Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of Thanks & Giving

Candy Hangover?   Hands Up, Step away from the Candy Bowl & no one will get hurt!  Today marks a day of Counting Calories from all the empty candy wrapers & Celebrate Happy HalloLEAN- a day to eat your Veggies...  Today(as I try everyday) is a Day to Count your blessings!   November 1 .. I declare to count my blessings & give thanks and giving for the next 30 days!
I am grateful & thankful for more than words can say.  As buzz lightyear says- To infinity & Beyond... Today I feel I am wearing that costume... I have to infinty & beyond a lifetime of gratitude!   That can't be measured in time & space! 
Today kicks off a digital journey to give thanks to all who have touched my life & left footprints on my heart! 
Thanks giving is 22 days away- and It is more than turkey & stuffing... it is Thanks & Giving!
I thank you for following me on my next 30 days of thanks & hope I can give back to all!

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