Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 18- Thanks take Flight!

Today I need to Give Two Thumbs up full of thanks for two Brothers--- The Wright Brothers- who years ago- Dec. 17,1903, to be exact made it possible for Flight! 

I am thankful for their invention that makes the Gift of Flight Possible.  So Today almost 107 years to the date- I dedicate my thanks to Orville & Wilbur Wright for their Passion & Vision over 100 years ago.   So thanks Boys, you have made my bicoastal life possible.  

I am blessed to have fabulous friends and Family Coast to Coast and without Flight I would not be able to share my life with both coasts. 

The Frequent Flyer Air Miles are worth a few thanks too. When I fly the friendly skies I get more flights!  Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner.  Right now I need one more flight for a free one!  Yeah! 

I am thankful to be taking off tomorrow to set sail in the clouds- final destination Orlando, Florida.   Lucky to be heading to the magic kingdom, the happiest place on Earth. 
My bags are packed, ready set go... see you on the east coast... 
Just wish we could do something about Jet Lag, working on that!

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