Sunday, November 7, 2010

Roll the Dice- Lucky 7- day of thanks!

Roll the dice, sometimes you may get lucky! 
I am blessed and beyond lucky to have the best friends in the whole world!  I toast my friends from Coast to Coast!   To my friends who are on opposite coast- You may be miles away but you are always close in my heart! I am truely blessed above and beyond to have friends from Sea to Sea!  My friends are there for me in good and bad times!   My friends are a big part of my life-  Some may not think I am Rich- but I feel like the Richest woman in the World because of my friends!  My friends are priceless!

There aren't enough words in the english dictionary to express my thanks & gratitude, just want you to know that I love you and thank you more than words can say!
My friends understand my past, believe in my future and accept me just the way I am.

My journey has been a wild and crazy ride and I love the fact that my friends have been there right by my side!   I will cherish everything you have done for me, everything you are!  My friends keep me dancing, laughing and loving!

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget!
click the link... Thank you for being a friend!

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